At Nextlvl Store, we are committed to solving your questions before you place an order. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:
Payment Methods: Currently, we offer two payment methods: credit or debit card and bank transfer. We are working on incorporating PayPal.
Shipping: Our shipping is free worldwide. We work with shipping companies such as DHL, Correo Express and FedEx. We are in the process of negotiating with other companies to improve delivery times.
Sizes: We provide advice on size selection to ensure a proper fit. Please see our returns and exchanges policy for more details.
Security: Nextlvl Store operates safely and reliably, with more than 80,000 successful orders in our history.
Order Information: If you need information about your order, please write to us at along with your order number, and we will respond within 24-48 hours.
Payment Issues: If you are experiencing payment issues, please check your banking details, browser and transaction limits with your bank.
Damaged Products: If you receive a product in poor condition, please contact us and we will replace it without additional costs.
Returns: Unlike our competition, we accept returns at no additional cost beyond the cost of shipping to our warehouses. The maximum number of products to be returned for free is up to 3 products per order.
Customer Service: You can contact us at Send a direct message to our Instagram profile: nextlvlstore1 or by Whatsapp +34 682 69 61 60.
Product as in Photos: We guarantee that you will receive the product as shown on our website or on our Instagram profile.
Purchase Confirmation: You will receive confirmation emails when we process and ship your order, including a tracking code.
Delayed Orders: Delivery times are estimates and may vary due to external circumstances. Although it is unusual, if your order is delayed beyond the estimated date, please contact us.